Shabbat Worship
“Eternal One, open my lips, that my mouth may declare your praise.” This line from Psalm 51 epitomizes Jewish worship. Prayer offers an opportunity to express our innermost thoughts and feelings, whether through words that have been passed down to us or through our own silent meditation and contemplation.
Members of Temple Beth-El come from diverse backgrounds covering a wide spectrum of Jewish belief and practice. Our worship is marked with traditional chants, familiar melodies and new and innovative compositions. We maintain a balance between Hebrew and English within the prayerbooks developed by Central Conference of American Rabbis, including Mishkan T’filah (Shabbat, weekdays and holidays); Gates of Prayer for Young People (for our monthly Family Shabbat); and Gates of Repentance (for High Holy Days).
Members are encouraged to be active participants in our services as members of the congregation and, at special times, as service leaders. Sermons, Div’rei Torah (Words of Teaching) and discussions enable us to discover how values which flow from Jewish texts can inform their own perspective on issues that face our community and our world.
The First Friday of each month features a Family Shabbat Service at 6:00 pm, followed by a Dairy/Vegetarian Potluck dinner at 6:40 pm. For every other Shabbat, the service begins at 7:00 pm and is followed by an Oneg Shabbat. On Shabbat mornings, we hold a 10:15 am service followed by a potluck kiddush.
On Sukkot, Pesach and Shavuot, we hold a service on the first and last morning of the festival, with yizkor/memorial prayers included on the last day. Check the Temple calendar on this website or call the Temple office (575-524-3380) for information on the dates of times of our services. Our worship is open to all who would like to join us in adding new voices to the chorus of those from the many generations that preceded us in “opening our lips” in prayer. We welcome your presence and participation!