The Social Action Committee (in conjunction with the Adult Education Committee and consultation with the rabbi) plays a very active role in the life of Temple Beth-El. It regularly develops and suggests various social action and adult education projects in which the congregation or individuals can participate. Although these activities sometimes include fundraisers (such as aiding Afghan refugees; contributing to homeless shelters, etc.), we also encourage and support other community activities which are often open to the general public. For example, the synagogue regularly holds political forums during election season for candidates for various offices to introduce themselves and engage in lively but cordial give-and-take with the community. The congregation has participated in MLK, Jr. activities sponsored by the local NAACP; inter-religious events; we sponsored a viewing of the film “The Tattooed Torah” and held a Q & A with the writer/director/producers; participated in “Shofar Across the Border,” sponsored by the Jewish Federation of El Paso (where TBE is a member) and joyous music presentations.